Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy New Year - a little late...

I feel it's finally time to join the 21st Century and take my thoughts to the Bloggosphere (or whatever the kids are calling it these days). Althouth this blogging idea has been setting up shop in the back of my mind for a while now, one of my reservations included not being able to come up with any important blogging material. I mean, my life can be pretty darn boring by most people's standards, so why the heck should I spill my unimportant guts and expect anyone to care?! Well, I finally came to the conclusion that it has always been the everyday observations & nuances that have made the biggest impact on my life, so the importance of life's little things is what I hope to convey through my blogging.

Also, in the ruminating thoughts leading up to my venture into Bloggo-land, I decided I would need a theme. I knew I couldn't worry about how important or unimportant my chosen theme would seem to others, but I was sure that in order to preserve authenticity, the theme would have to be important to me.

In an effort to avoid the horrors of being a cliche, I struggled with various ideas for a while. For example, as a single lady, my first instinct was to blog about dating, finding love, losing it, etc. Thankfully, though, Carrie Bradshaw already covered that territory extensively, and she did a mighty fine job of it. Instead, I will blog about the 10 New Year's Resolutions I made for 2010. Yes, I made a whopping TEN. Granted, my 'resolutions' are more along the lines of 'goals,' but they still count in my book, or in this case, blog. I've already accomplished some of them, so I'm off to a good start considering it's only February! I'm extremely motivated to accomplish the rest of them by 2011, but I'm hoping that blogging about my experiences will perpetuate my motivation throughout the year. You will notice that that most of my listed goals aren't very earth shattering, life-altering or even all that interesting, but they are a big deal to me. And they are attainable! This is very important considering one of my goals for 2009 included, "winning the lottery." Good grief...

So without further ado and in no particular order, my 10 goals for 2010 are as follows:

1. Run at least 5 races
2. Learn to cook at least 3 new dishes
3. Decorate bedroom on the cheap
4. Read 10 books and record favorite quotes from each
5. Write in my journal at least once a week
6. Go on at least one big trip
7. Volunteer at least 1 time
8. Take a class (class TBD)
9. Pay off my 2 credit cards
10. Save some dang money

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