Friday, March 26, 2010

Progress Report

Just because you haven't heard from me does not mean I've neglected my Ten for 2010! Oh no sireee! I'm not about to quit now! In fact, I don't like to quit anything once I've started it. To talk about doing something and never do it is one thing, but to start something and not finish it is quite another. The latter causes me unimaginable anxiety.

For example, I've only quit one thing in my whole life and I continue to have recurring dreams -NIGHTMARES- about it. I'm talking about quitting dance class in high school. I had been taking dance lessons for years when I made the cheerleading squad in 9th grade. I continued taking dance classes simultaneously with cheering, but at some point it just got to be too much. So I quit going to dance classes just a few months prior to the big end-of-year recital. I mean, I QUIT! Just like that! Quit! Bailed! Forfeited! Withdrew!

And I have never forgiven myself for quitting ever since. The recurring dreams I have involve me showing up to the recital to perform, but I'm obviously ill-prepared from having not gone to the classes in months. I quickly try to learn the routines just minutes before showtime, but I always end up freaking out because I can't memorize the steps. I've often woken up in a cold sweat as a result of these dreams. And my heart is beating faster just thinking about it!

Phew. Ok. I've calmed down now. But, needless to say, I'm still diligently working on my Top 10 for 2010. Many of my goals are works in progress, so here is and update on the progress of some of my goals:

Goal #1: Run At Least 5 Races
Progress - Signed up for the Chicago Police Memorial 5k on May 1st. (I predict most of my races will take place during the summer)

Goal #4: Read 10 Books & Record Favorite Quotes from Each
Progress - I have read 3 books so far which include, City of Thieves, Loving Frank and Juliet, Naked. (I will save the favorite quotes for when I reach 10 books)

Goal #5: Write in My Journal at Least Once a Week
Progress - D'oh! You know how in reality shows when the producers use the sound of screeching records for dramatic effect when someone does/says something ridiculous? Well, that happened in my head when I got to this goal. I admit I've been slacking on this goal a bit. But to my defense, I realized I can't just write for the sake of writing! I have to be inspired. Or I have to have a problem. Usually, I need to have a problem to really feel the journal vibe. I should have listed my goal to write more often instead of once a week. On a side note, I highly recommend keeping a journal to anyone who has ever felt so 'in their head' they couldn't get out. Journal writing has helped me solve problems big and small since 1994. Writing is also pretty similar to going to a therapist, except I ask myself the routine therapy session questions such as "And how does that make you feel?," etc.

Goal #6: Go on At Least One Big Trip
Progress - This girl is heading to Costa Rica on April 17th!!!!! What distinguishes a 'big' trip from a 'little' trip, you ask? Ummmm, how about the fact that I actually get to use my PASSPORT for the first time ever!?! Wooo!!!

Goal #9: Pay off my 2 Credit Cards
Progress - I am more than happy, proud, excited, relieved to announce that I have paid off 1 of the 2 cards! And the other one is very close too! Please understand, I was never one of those people who got a credit card and went on crazy spending sprees. I have never really been too reckless with my money, and I'm proud of that. But when an old college bill cropped up years ago and I couldn't pay for it out of my own pocket, plastic came to my rescue. Desperate times called for desperate measures, but I'm just so proud I worked so hard to accomplish this very important goal of mine.

1 comment:

  1. Can your blog count as your journal? And thank goodness that you're in a place that you don't necessarily need to vent via journal. I'm the same way...I feel like I only need to write and reflect when things aren't going well. Fingers crossed.
